Digitally accelerating sports organisations

Stream Publish Monetise Engage

PT SportSuite is a digital sports consultancy with a modular digital media ecosystem - powered by AWS technology

PT provides the platforms and expertise that enable sports organisations to meet the biggest digital trends in sportstech


Digital Media

Simplify media collection, sharing and management with multiple stakeholders


Digital Asset

Protect the future value of media IP in PT's AWS-cloud DAM solution


Video OTT

Monetise your media rights with world-class D2C streaming


Mobile App

Build a fan community around world-class, mobile-first user experiences



An exciting, rewarding web experience that promotes engagement on a new level


Fan and Brand

Transform passive followers into engaging, registered fans

As a conglomerate of 13 start-ups – including our League Office and 12 teams – it was important to find content workflow solutions that enabled us to do a lot more with a lot less.

PT SportSuite’s ecosystem of products help make collection, organization, and distribution more efficient.

Nishant Nereyeth, MLR Director, operations and marketing

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