Collect authentic fan-generated media for yourself/sponsors for social sharing, UGC campaigns and web/app content
More value for sponsors
Co-create branded campaigns that connect sponsors to fans, and be part of the media and engagement
Our success stories
Bristol Bears were looking for ways to grow digital engagement and create more opportunities for one of the English Premiership’s most loyal and passionate fan bases to contribute in a meaningful way. Bears fans have risen to the occasion, sharing their matchday experiences throughout the season – with Bears sponsors like Huboo getting in on the action too.
Major League Rugby is North America’s professional rugby competition, with a committed and diverse fan base. Via the Official MLR Fan Zone, MLR fans are sharing their rugby passion by taking on a series of fun media Challenges, with great prizes up for grabs to reward their genuine fan video and photo submissions.
Bringing it all together
The PT SportSuite Engagement Team offer production services that bring your newly-acquired fan media to life. View the Major League Rugby Rise of Rugby video by clicking on the link below
Ready to activate fan engagement on a new level with your own branded Fan Portal? For a no-obligation team talk, drop us a line now!